A Desolate Beauty

A Desolate Beauty

Friday, April 10, 2015

I Believe...

"Many people make remarks about my way of life.
They gasp at the situations I face as Free-Worlder, and believe I'm as lost as anyone could be.
They say that someone like me couldn't possibly be a believer. 
But I'd say the opposite. 
I do believe. 
My world around me is different than most. 
I fight every day to live. 
Every moment is spent in a desperate struggle to carry on. 
But I believe."
"My name is Lillian Comra.
And I believe in The Deus."

As I have been busy creating the world of Deus, I've been thinking about the relationship between the concept of this universe and that of our own world. 
Some worlds in the galaxy, that do not take allegiance to any particular faction, are known as as Free-Worlds.
Most people that hail from a Free-World are usually pretty 'rough' as we could say, and can be kinda repulsive. Many people believe that hardly any good can come from a Free-Worlder. 
But that isn't always the case. Especially for the story lore focused character, named Lillian Comra. She is a believer. She believes in the Deus. But she is different. But her faith is the same as others.

I think that sometimes us Christians are too judgmental on Christians that are different from us
. We can sometimes see people that are believers, but yet look maybe a little bit more rough, or maybe talk a bit different, seen movies that we might not agree with, or might dress or look different than us. But we have too remember, that the most important thing to look towards is their belief in God. All the differences will Lord-willing change in due time. But our goal is not to be judge and jury, but to be sweet, understandable, and loving.


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