A Desolate Beauty

A Desolate Beauty

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Transcendence -

So on my channel, I'm going to be creating some videos that go along with some poems I've been writing for a while. While my first video does not contain a poem, the one's to follow will!


With All Your Heart, Trust In Him!!

Friday, April 24, 2015

Is Magic: The Gathering A Sin? Is it Satanic And/Or Occult? Part 1

Is Playing Magic: The Gathering A Sin?

"Hey Jimmy! The guys and I are going to get together this evening and play Monopoly, why don't you come over too and play the game?"
"Well...thanks Donny, but I don't think I should really play that game."
"Why is that Jimmy? Do you have a problem with it? It's a fun family game."
"I know that's what it's supposed to be, Donny. But when you look at it, it's actually a game that promotes people, especially kids to cheat, bribe, and force people into bankruptcy. It's really a bad game and I don't think people should encourage it or play with it."
"I'd like to ask you a question, Jimmy...I've been playing this game almost all my life, and so have my friends. Have we tried to cheat, bribe, or bankrupt anybody for our own selfish gain?"

What exactly do you think about Jimmy's opinion about the game Monopoly? While Jimmy is entitled to his own opinion about different matters that we should respect (1st Corinthians 8:13), we can't deny that it is pretty silly. When you actually think about it, Monopoly does pretty much seem to 'encourage' what was stated above. But of course, you all realize that the game was not created for the purpose of encouraging deceit, cheating, or bribery. The game was to create a fun, family friendly competition between one another, and of course, at the same time provides some pretty good examples of what life is.

So I ask now. What is the different between Magic: The Gathering?

I would like to open with the following:
I'm a 19 year old Christian, who lives in a good home, I'm finishing high-school this year and moving toward collage, I have a well paying job, and I have a great church and good godly friends.
Am I a perfect Christian? Of course not. No one will be perfect in this life. I stubble, I fall, but Christ is there to pick me upon and help me move forward.
I say all this to establish that I'm not standing up here and telling everyone that thinks playing Magic: The Gathering is silly, stupid, or dumb. I am not trying to say that here at all. However, what I am trying to say is that almost every article I've read under the Google search of, "Is playing Magic: The Gathering evil?", a Christian article that pops up saying it's an absolute sin and abomination...and I don't see how in the world that is true.
There are a few Christians that come out and say the opposite, but they are few.
What I am writing here on the post is my belief on the subject. I've given a lot of thought on it, have prayed, searched the Scriptures and also have talked with my friends (Christian friends), Pastor and parents about it.

I first got into Magic: The Gathering about 3 weeks ago. I was shopping in a Walgreen’s store on a Saturday afternoon and happened to walk by an aisle when I saw an intro pack for Magic: The Gathering. I stopped and looked it over and was really impressed by the artwork of the cards and the game as well seemed pretty interesting.
I've been a long time lover of science-fiction and fantasy stories. I've created stories based on my own creation of a fantasy universe. I'm also a pretty dedicated wargamer of Warhammer Fantasy and a couple of Historical wargames that are focused around the American Civil War and World War II. I love reading fantasy and science-fiction stories and also watching movies in the same category. So in a nutshell you can kinda say that I'm a nerd. I had heard a lot about Magic: The Gathering, both in terms of praise and denial. One of my good friends (who is a Christian) had talked about getting into it, but couldn't find anyone to play with.
So after thinking about it, I made the decision to buy the intro pack.

It was from the Khans of Tarkir, and it was the Temur Avalanche intro pack that was centered around the Manna colors of Green, Blue and Red. Since then I've gotten a few booster packs and other materials. I find the game to be fascinating and filled with amazing layers of detailed strategy in such a simple system of gameplay!
So Monday, I got in contact with my Christian friend that was interested in the game and we met up at Starbucks and played a game. He had likewise just recently gotten a intro pack as well. I also invited another good friend (also a Christian) to come over and check out the game. We all sat down and enjoyed an action packed battle. And guess what, we didn't call upon demons to fight for us, there wasn't a Ouija board that we used to enhance our 'spells', and we also weren't transformed into demonic beings obsessed in 'dark' characteristics of some of the cards...It was an enjoyable, fun, and exciting game with a lot of good fellowship.

However...I've quickly found out that being a Christian and playing the game, you have to prepare yourself for the 'you are playing with Satanic cards!!!' attacks that seem to follow you.
I've read quite a few articles on the subject of whether or not Magic: The Gathering is evil from both sides of the coin. Both view points have given some pretty good arguments. But on the whole of the nay side, I find a lot of arguments that just don't really seem to hold up if you are a person that lacks the ability to discern right and wrong, fantasy and reality, and is also really scared about 'exposing' their kids to quote: 'evil things'...which really this game doesn't have.

In the next couple of posts, I'm going to be creating a series of blog posts on this seemingly still hot topic of whether or not Magic: The Gathering is evil. For today's post, I will be talking about the 1st, primary argument used against the game, and that is,

1. Magic: The Gathering is Satanic and Occult Based.

I would like to caution all here, that some photos I might post maybe disturbing to some viewers, so please be careful.

I have some pictures here for you all to see. The first section of pictures are from the Magic: The Gathering Pro Tour 2015. I would like you to examine them, and see for yourself at how Satanic and occult this game is...



I hope you can tell which pictures are Satanic and occult, and which pictures are of a fantasy card trading game...I mean, seriously. Look at the difference between these pictures! You would have to be a blind person in order not to see the obvious difference.
This is where people fumble up in thinking that something is Satanic and occult. But the question is, what in the world makes people think that this fun, enjoyable game is dark and evil? 
The answer is obvious...the word is Magic.

Most people immediately get scared and wary when the word, magic, is mentioned in something. In most cases, I wouldn't blame them.
Magic is real, and very dark and evil in this world. Powers can be wielded and used by human beings that are possessed by the demons, the servants of Satan. Here's what the dictionary has to say to us about what the word magic means, "The art of producing a desired effect or result through the use ofincantation or various other techniques that presumably assure human control of supernatural agencies or the forces of nature."

The Bible says in Deuteronomy 18:10-12 " 10 There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer 11 or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead, 12 for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord. And because of these abominations the Lord your God is driving them out before you."

Now, it would seem right off the bat that I've basically just said that supposedly Magic: The Gathering is evil...no I haven't. The Bible is of course, correct. It clearly states that delving into magical powers here, is an abomination, and let me be the 1st to state that if I knew this game was a tool to dive into dark powers, I would destroy my collection right now.

But why in the world don't I? It clearly states it's a game of magic? You are clearly contradicting yourself! My answer is no, I am not contradicting myself at all.
Let's take a look at another word called, Fantasy.
"Imagination, especially when extravagant and unrestrained. the forming of mental images, 
especially wondrous or strange fancies;imaginative conceptualizing."

There is not a person in this world that didn't have some type of fantasy world to dive into from time to time. It's part of being human and how God made us. We all enjoy to imagine being a heroic figure, slaying monsters and dragons, saving or finding the love of our life, etc. It's something that is wonderful and beautiful that God has given us. And of course, we often imagine using magical gifts! 
Magic always seems to be the center of most fantasies, because it is a amazing concept to think about! Being able to control natural forces through training of the mind, and being able to do good with it, is really appealing. But of course, like life, it seems we can't have one without the other.  
We have opponents in our fantasies that use magic for bad intentions, and not good. For instance, the Disney characters like Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty, Queen Grimhilde from Snow White, Ursula from the Little Mermaid, The White Witch from Narnia, and many more. 

But of course, we thankfully have wonderful characters that use good magical powers to fight off evil and destroy it. For instance, Gandolf from the Lord of the Rings, the fairies from Sleeping Beauty, Aslan from Narnia, and quite a few others.
Magic in a story or game, can be a representation of the forces of light vs the forces of darnkess, just like what is happening in reality.

So what in the world am I getting at with these examples? It's another word, Discernment.
The word discernment means, "The ability to see and understand people, things, or situations clearly and intelligently."

Whenever we dive into our fantasy worlds, or perhaps into other peoples fantasies through a book or movie, we know that different things in that universe would not work in our own. For instance, magic. In a fantasy world, we can use magic for good or bad. We can control objects, the world ect. But of course, we know that it we tried that here in reality, it would result in serious consequences.
Magic in our world is real, and it is dangerous. We should be able to discern that in reality, magical usage is dangerous and sinful. But in fantasy, magic can be used for good and used for the right purposes, or be a representation of light darkness fighting against one another. Is it wrong to think this way? I don't think so.

The reason I don't think so is mainly based, again, on the discernment of the individual. If he can tell the difference between what is real and what is fantasy, then there is really no need for any problems to occur. But if this person cannot distinguish between what is real and fantasy, then this person should have no business in such an area.

This all comes into the same area of the illustration I made of the game Monopoly. When you look at it, the game could have a bad effect on the players of the game. It could make some child think, ''In order to be successful in life, I need to lie, cheat, steal, bribe, and bankrupt people to be ahead of everybody else!" But we all know that this is silly. Because, the child has the ability to discern that what he is doing is just a game and for fun (a fantasy), and that actually doing that in real life, would be mean, selfish and ungodly (the reality).
Ladies and gentlemen, there is no difference between the Monopoly game and Magic:The Gathering. I don't play Magic:The Gathering to learn to be a wizard and dive into the magical and supernatural forces of this world, because that is not what it is! I can do all I want with the cards I have, but guess what...it's still just a card. It is a fantasy game of which you can get together with friends and play against your one another in fun and exciting game.
I haven't heard of anyone yet, that has played this game, went home and then dived into occult belief and religion because the cards were 'infused' with magical energy, why? Because the cards are just cards.

I believe that this post has been going on for long enough, but I am quite far from being actually done. As the title of the post says, this is part 1 of this issue of whether or not Magic: The Gathering is Satanic and/or occult. In part 2, I will be discussing the mechanic in the game called Manna, and the idea behind it being evil, which is not correct.

I hope that this post here gives you the information you need and is a help. If you agree with what I said, bless you! If you don't agree with what I said, bless you!

But for those that agree with my thoughts on this subject, don't just take my word for it. Talk to God, search your heart, and let Him give you the answers you need!

I do hope that God blesses you dearly, and that He guides you and gives you the strength and discernment you need to be one of His followers.


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

'But Will Become Strong'

Hebrews 12:12-13 

So take a new grip with your tired hands and stand firm on your shaky legs. Mark out a 

straight path for your feet. Then those who follow you, though they are weak and lame, will 

not stumble and fall but will become strong.

Friday, April 10, 2015

I Believe...

"Many people make remarks about my way of life.
They gasp at the situations I face as Free-Worlder, and believe I'm as lost as anyone could be.
They say that someone like me couldn't possibly be a believer. 
But I'd say the opposite. 
I do believe. 
My world around me is different than most. 
I fight every day to live. 
Every moment is spent in a desperate struggle to carry on. 
But I believe."
"My name is Lillian Comra.
And I believe in The Deus."

As I have been busy creating the world of Deus, I've been thinking about the relationship between the concept of this universe and that of our own world. 
Some worlds in the galaxy, that do not take allegiance to any particular faction, are known as as Free-Worlds.
Most people that hail from a Free-World are usually pretty 'rough' as we could say, and can be kinda repulsive. Many people believe that hardly any good can come from a Free-Worlder. 
But that isn't always the case. Especially for the story lore focused character, named Lillian Comra. She is a believer. She believes in the Deus. But she is different. But her faith is the same as others.

I think that sometimes us Christians are too judgmental on Christians that are different from us
. We can sometimes see people that are believers, but yet look maybe a little bit more rough, or maybe talk a bit different, seen movies that we might not agree with, or might dress or look different than us. But we have too remember, that the most important thing to look towards is their belief in God. All the differences will Lord-willing change in due time. But our goal is not to be judge and jury, but to be sweet, understandable, and loving.


So very true!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

''Our Transcendence''

So back a couple of weeks ago, as a school project I was writing a poem for my history subject. But after I wrote the poem for my subject, I was inspired to write my own. The video I learned how to write a poem is really helpful, and I would certainly recommend watching it. 

This is my first ever poem, so it might come out pretty cheesy. But hey, can't expect perfection right off the bat. :)

Our Transcendence

Are we alone? What is the desire that draws us to love? What is it about myself, that separates me from others?

Life can be like the color of amber. It's color can be as lively as life, and so can it's shade be forever foreign.

The joining of one another is a desire that should be waited for. For it is not yet time.

It can be a struggle to wade through the weight of emotion and lack of attention to the needs and wants to one another.

I love you, more than you know. I will see you in your dream land. For your dreams are my dreams. 

How to write poetry video-  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQqwToY6ooU

Very inspirational music that I listened too while writing this poem! 


Saturday, March 28, 2015

It's Hard...

We all have spiritual battles. There's not a person in this world that hasn't faced a trial with his/her sinful self. Even our dear Lord Jesus Christ fought the temptations of Satan.
I think that many Christians forget that. I'm included in this list. I keep on thinking to myself, 'Nathan, your sin is just to great for you too deal with. You've got a big problem. Even Christ didn't struggle with that!' But you know what? That's a lie. Our Savior has faced every trial that every person has faced in this life.
Instead of focusing our attention on how 'unbelievably' bad our sins are, we need to pray to our heavenly Father and ask, 'fill me with Your Spirit, and not my own.'


Searching for the Truth.

''What is it that is so compelling to the human race that would drive men forward into the uttermost corners of the galaxy to search for the truth of who they are, and what they are? What is it that makes men believe in the legends of a book that could explain their meaning, and speak the truth of what their lives are about?
After so many years in my profession, in studying the human mind, I believe it to be this: A testimony has been branded deep within their very souls. Every man and woman asks these questions, at one point or another in this life. Because within him is locked the will to want to learn and understand what he is. And more importantly, who is the Deus."

Reymar Ararch-

Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Techno-Cortex

The Techno-Cortex. The icon of the advancement of human civilization, and also the great chain of slavery that keeps humanity locked tightly within it's technological grasp.

From the work-in-progress, Deus


#Greg'sLife - A Foggy Day.

It was a very foggy day on top on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Greg and Brute had been searching for the BlackJack a total of 2 days non-stop, but they couldn't find him. Exhausted, Greg decided to take it easy, and take a break on top of a over-look. But there was one problem...you couldn't see anything.
 But Greg new that something was afoot. Ordering Brute to stay where he was, Greg disappeared into the fog. Sure enough, Sparky the Spartan and Jimmy the Marine were following the two characters. Without warning, they ambushed Brute!
While Sparky and Jimmy fired at Brute, Greg had sneeked up behind the two and let leash a powerful blast from his Plasma Rifle. 

 Disoriented, Jimmy tried to stand up and help Sparky. But before he knew it, he was about to be body-slammed by Brute!
 Sparky's attention was entirely focused on Greg, which resulted in Sparky being body-slammed as well.
 While Greg and Brute took great joy in seeing their victory, the infamous BlackJack appeared from the mist and ran forward to save his friends!
Running up behind Brute, Blackjack grabbed the shotgun from Jimmy and put several rounds into Brute's back.
 Furious, Greg fired at BlackJack widely, but almost completely missed!

 Enraged by his failure, Greg helped up Brute, and the two ran away into the thick fog. The battle wasn't over yet!
The three friends bandaged their wounds shook hands. Fortunately they found some transportation that would take them back home.

The End!


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

God is working on you too!


Greg and his personal Brute assistant, on the hunt for Greg's personal enemy, BlackJack. Can they catch him? Well...we'll find out one day.

                                                    The BlackJack 
         Personal enemy of Greg since the day he was set free from his set box.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Concept Art for my up-coming novel, Deus.

So for a bit now, I've been captivated by a story I have been creating called Deus. While I wish not to go into any detail yet about what this story is, I wanted to post some pictures to give an idea of what I'm thinking about for the themes of this story.
