A Desolate Beauty

A Desolate Beauty

Saturday, March 28, 2015

It's Hard...

We all have spiritual battles. There's not a person in this world that hasn't faced a trial with his/her sinful self. Even our dear Lord Jesus Christ fought the temptations of Satan.
I think that many Christians forget that. I'm included in this list. I keep on thinking to myself, 'Nathan, your sin is just to great for you too deal with. You've got a big problem. Even Christ didn't struggle with that!' But you know what? That's a lie. Our Savior has faced every trial that every person has faced in this life.
Instead of focusing our attention on how 'unbelievably' bad our sins are, we need to pray to our heavenly Father and ask, 'fill me with Your Spirit, and not my own.'


Searching for the Truth.

''What is it that is so compelling to the human race that would drive men forward into the uttermost corners of the galaxy to search for the truth of who they are, and what they are? What is it that makes men believe in the legends of a book that could explain their meaning, and speak the truth of what their lives are about?
After so many years in my profession, in studying the human mind, I believe it to be this: A testimony has been branded deep within their very souls. Every man and woman asks these questions, at one point or another in this life. Because within him is locked the will to want to learn and understand what he is. And more importantly, who is the Deus."

Reymar Ararch-

Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Techno-Cortex

The Techno-Cortex. The icon of the advancement of human civilization, and also the great chain of slavery that keeps humanity locked tightly within it's technological grasp.

From the work-in-progress, Deus


#Greg'sLife - A Foggy Day.

It was a very foggy day on top on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Greg and Brute had been searching for the BlackJack a total of 2 days non-stop, but they couldn't find him. Exhausted, Greg decided to take it easy, and take a break on top of a over-look. But there was one problem...you couldn't see anything.
 But Greg new that something was afoot. Ordering Brute to stay where he was, Greg disappeared into the fog. Sure enough, Sparky the Spartan and Jimmy the Marine were following the two characters. Without warning, they ambushed Brute!
While Sparky and Jimmy fired at Brute, Greg had sneeked up behind the two and let leash a powerful blast from his Plasma Rifle. 

 Disoriented, Jimmy tried to stand up and help Sparky. But before he knew it, he was about to be body-slammed by Brute!
 Sparky's attention was entirely focused on Greg, which resulted in Sparky being body-slammed as well.
 While Greg and Brute took great joy in seeing their victory, the infamous BlackJack appeared from the mist and ran forward to save his friends!
Running up behind Brute, Blackjack grabbed the shotgun from Jimmy and put several rounds into Brute's back.
 Furious, Greg fired at BlackJack widely, but almost completely missed!

 Enraged by his failure, Greg helped up Brute, and the two ran away into the thick fog. The battle wasn't over yet!
The three friends bandaged their wounds shook hands. Fortunately they found some transportation that would take them back home.

The End!


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

God is working on you too!


Greg and his personal Brute assistant, on the hunt for Greg's personal enemy, BlackJack. Can they catch him? Well...we'll find out one day.

                                                    The BlackJack 
         Personal enemy of Greg since the day he was set free from his set box.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Concept Art for my up-coming novel, Deus.

So for a bit now, I've been captivated by a story I have been creating called Deus. While I wish not to go into any detail yet about what this story is, I wanted to post some pictures to give an idea of what I'm thinking about for the themes of this story.


Do you pray every day? I mean like, every chance you get? Do you pray as much as you talk to your friends? I've got that problem. I don't pray near as much as I should. I have the problem of looking at prayer more as a chore, than a chance to talk to my true friend, Jesus Christ.

As it says in the picture above, 'Prayer is the breath, the watchword, the comfort, the strength, the honor of a Christian'. In other words, it's our life! Prayer is our communication to the Lord. Our ability to be able to come to our Father to talk with Him and share our thoughts and desires.

You cannot expect to have a relationship with a family member, friends, your girlfriend or your wife if you don't spend time talking with them. Everyone knows this. So then we have to ask ourselves, how in the world can we expect to be close to Christ when we don't talk to Him like we should?

We have such an amazing privilege to be able to talk, personally, with our dear Lord. He has invited us to come before Him, as a child of God and talk to Him. He knows our strengths and our weaknesses. There's nothing that he doesn't know about us. And that should be such a comfort to us.


Thursday, March 19, 2015

Beginning of this blog, and my trip to Georgia!


Greetings to all! My name is Nathan, I'm 19 years old and am a Christian.
Life has been interesting, and challenging as of late. Becoming an adult has been quite an experience, but one that I would not trade.
God has given me a good life, and who can ask for more?

Tomorrow, very early, I and my mom and little sister are heading to Georgia to visit my grandmother and family. I'm looking forward to the visit, as it is always fun to see family.

So while this has been quite a quick post, I hope to blog more often.

God bless!
